In Three Months, We will be bring this little life into this world. and yes I'm crying right now..
Its so awe inspiring, and its hitting me! that this little soccer player, is going to be coming out and I get to help raise and teach and guild this little one during his walk of life!
Ok, emotional moment over.. for now. LOL
I went to the Fair Saturday, and yes I drank LOTS and LOTS of water! I got to eat funnel cakes, pulled pork, and Elephant Ears, I was a very happy momma! I also got to hang out with some awesome friends who kept making sure I drank LOTS and LOTS of water.. It was a great time and I enjoyed it..
Sunday didn't really do much sat around and relaxed all day.. Got myself registered for classes so I'll officially start on the 28th of July! WooHoo!!
What Else.. Yesterday Monday I had another day of battling back pain, I'm talking to my Doctor tomorrow about it, and see what he says that could possible help.. Oh I hope he has something! I need relief!
ugh starting tomorrow no contact with Aaron for the rest of the week, so lets hope nothing bad happens again!!
alright I jumped around it, Friday I'll admit was the scariest day so far in our journey. I just wanted Aaron there to be with me, and he couldn't, And Yes I learned my lesson, no more pushing myself.. make sure I drink LOTS of water, and Juice. and don't over do it. I learned that lesson very well!
OK That's all I got, Tomorrow is my monthly appt with the Doctor. And so I have many of things to talk to him about.. the episode Friday, back pain, and sleep.. (which I think is related to the back pain)
Oh and here you go the belly picture! along with a BARE BELLY!! ( I have no belly button anymore.. its flat.. and weird!
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