Hello all!! Guess what? I'm now officially in the last trimester!! YAY!!
Had my OB Appt last Wednesday, and Now I go every two weeks.. And tomorrow I'm going to the hospital to get registered, and sign up for classes.
I'm also now required to do Kick Counts three times a day. so Now I have an excuse to sit and watch this little one kick and move my belly around! LOL I'm actually doing the kick count right now.. and so far 1 kick in the last 5 minutes.. opps 2 kicks now! LOL
Other then that nothing else going on.. Talked to the doctor about my back pain, and he said there wasn't much I can really do about it. He said I can try the support band, and do pelvic tilts and stretches. so I get to live with this pain.
But I figured out that if I don't sit straight feet in front.. but more on my side, supported by pillows I actually don't have much pain at all!!! So that's a good thing!
I finally found out what the little pumpkin's hiccuping feels like! he has been hiccuping everyday now.. its so weird, but I can tell where his head is at! lol its cool I love it! just like I love every feel and move this one does... except when he decides he didn't like my ribs and tried to push them and break them the other day! ugh that hurt! and weird cause I put my hand on the rib and felt it bulge out! so WEIRD! but at the same time its kind of cool too! LOL
Aaron is still not home, he probably won't be home until this weekend.. maybe, we shall see.
So this week I'm slowly getting the house cleaned up and put back into order.. Not that it was out of order, but I definitely been slacking.. but that's ok, I have an excuse! lol
Oh what else been going on. Sunday I made these awesome cupcakes! and they were very good! I made them for Sunday Night, a couple friends and I got together to hang out and just have a girl's night In. we had chocolate covered strawberries, and the cupcakes, it was a great night! we all had a blast!
here's a picture of my cupcakes one is half eaten so you can see why they are so special!
Oh what else...
I got nothing else to report.. just want to point out this necklace I found, I really like it! and think its really pretty! and its really cool because its Baby Proof, and it's suppose to help with nursing (keeping busy little babies focus and entertained while nursing)
They are called Mommy Necklaces http://www.mommynecklaces.com
Really cool thing! I like the Glory Series, and the Lock Donut Necklaces. very pretty! love the colors!
Ok I'm done promoting... LOL
That's all folks! thank you for reading, and now to tell ya what the Little Pumpkin been up too according to the Bump.com, and What to Expect.com
Baby's now the size of an eggplant!Baby's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, she has a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). Her skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.
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