So Last Night, I decided that the lawn needed to be mowed since Aaron was gone, it falls to me to get it done.
So I did, I thought it was cooled off enough, and I took lots of breaks.. and drank lots of water afterwards..
Apparently it wasn't enough, I went to bed with minor cramps, nothing serious, just enough to make me uncomfortable.
Didn't sleep well at all, was woken up at around 6am, with horrible cramps that were about 15 minutes apart. I called the OB department at the hospital, and they told me to drink at least 4 qts of water, and to rest for about an hour. if it gets worse to call them back..
well it got worse, and then I got diarrhea. So I called and they told me to come into the ER. So I grabbed my bag, and threw some items in, and out the door I went. Calling Mom and Aaron as I drove to the hospital.
they took me in and hooked me up to the baby monitor, and OH MY did someone not like that monitor.. he kicked at it the whole time it was on me. He had the ER nurses laughing cause they could hear him kicking the monitor out at the nurses station..
Well after an hour or two hours of being monitored, and I also went through two bags of IV Fluid. the On-Call OB Doctor came in, and checked me did a culture to check to make sure I'm not leaking fluids, and to check my cervix and made sure it was still closed (which it was, thank goodness!)
He then ordered that I stay on the monitor still receive IV fluids and get an ultrasound done to check the fluid in the placenta, and check the cervix length and such like that.. (by this time also my contractions as that's what they were, not cramps were down to 10 minutes apart) The Doctor also decided that I should be moved and admitted to the Maternity Ward cause it more comfortable there, and he was going to be staying over there cause one of his patients was getting ready to deliver a baby!
So I got to go on a bed ride to the Maternity Ward and was admitted until my contractions slowed down or changed, and also what was said at the Ultrasound.
So I got to hang out in the maternity ward (very nice by the way! very comfy beds!)
and then I got to take a ride in a wheel chair, to the UltraSound and got to see the Lil Pumpkin! everything was good there..
it was about 4pm my contractions had slowed down enough that the Doctor decided it would be fine if I went home.. Under Strict Orders of drink LOTS AND LOTS of fluids, and no heavy lifting (meaning no mowing the lawn) so by 5 I'm home and keeping my feet up, for the rest of the weekend.. and drinking my fluids..
Otherwise My Brita is going to be getting a work out from now on until this little pumpkin comes out, I don't want another scare like that.
I learned a couple things today, besides staying Hydrated is very important!!
I learned its never to early too keep an emergency hospital bag (so cell phones don't die on you)
and that I'm very thankful for my Kindle, and the fact that I can use it to get on-line and keep family and friends updated when said cell phone dies.
and when I do go into labor, and have my hospital stay, I'm going to be chilling in a night gown with maybe a pair of shorts underneath.. so when they need to check me, no playing Houdini under a blanket to make a pair of pants disappear! (they let me stay in my clothes instead of changing into a gown so I can stay warm)
But that's whats happened today.. really didn't want to spend my Friday in the Hospital but that's what I got to do!
But to end on a better note! here are the two best UltraSound Pictures..
this was the best the Tech could get because he is such a wiggle worm!!
I swear He is His Father's Son..
right before this picture he stuck his tongue out,
and Right after he did it again.. missed it both times the Tech tried..
Ok I'm going to go and wander the internet some more. but though you all would like a update and be aware of what happened today. while It was still fresh in my mind. So more Tuesday with the rest of the weekly updates!
Night All!!
Very cute ultrasound pictures!