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Thursday, October 28, 2010

2 weeks, Newborn Pictures, Deployment

2 Weeks old! oh where has the time do.. I can't believe Isaac is 2 weeks old! 
Isaac has been good! He's a little snuggle bug, and I love it! and So does the Grandma's!
We finally got the results back from his blood work.. A Week LATER. so we are done with that Doctor and going to go with my Family Doctor instead. Cause that doctor was an idiot, and didn't listen to anything I had to say, and what I'm concern about. But anyway the results came back normal.  he doesn't have jaundice! WooHoo!
Saturday, we got Isaac's Newborn pictures done! and they are awesome! We will be going back to this photographer again!
Here's a few of my favorites, and I'll link to my facebook album of the rest of the pictures!

Here is the link to the album if you want to look at the rest..

Last night, Aaron deployed for Afghanistan for a year. which SUCKS! But we are an Army Family, and so we will embrace this and move on. 
We don't know what the communication is going to be like, but I plan on taking lots of pictures of the Bud, and posting them where ever I can so Aaron can see him. 
I'm also going to be taking lots of video to send to Aaron. 
So Aaron can see him every day.
We miss him everyday

Other then that we are sad but we will make it through this the best we can, and keep our family connected. 

Love You All!!

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