ALSO Got the Go ahead to make the appointment for the Anatomy Scan!! course that won't be until between 18 and 20 weeks, but We are going to wait until at least 20weeks, So Aaron will be here, and be able to go with.
Life in our house right now, is quiet except Digger, being well Digger LOL.
Though we figured out the other night, that Digger is protective the belly.. He won't let Aaron really touch the belly, he will shove his head under Aaron's hand to stop him.. Its quite funny! and really cute.. I love it..
I noticed Bo and Digger have been acting differently.. Digger loves to lay his head on my belly... and Bo , I have noticed at night will sleep up by the belly and just start purring, enough to wake me up! (that or he's been trying to steal my pillow away from me)
Aaron is leaving this week for a whole farking month.. So I'm home alone with da animals.. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
But I'm planning on finishing cleaning out the baby's room... and reorganize the storage room so I can fit more stuff in there.. But that is all I got..
Now on to the pictures!!
~Weekly Status Update~
How far along: 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: umm something like 5 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yup been in them since week9.. SO comfy!
Stretch marks: Nope, No stretch marks..
Sleep: My schedule is so messed up, I been staying up until 2am and sleeping in so late.. need to get it back to normal!
Best moment this week: I heard the heartbeat! It was amazing!!
Movement: Umm I think so, that or its gas, but its fleeting..
Food cravings: Banana Splits.. I really want Banana Splits like crazy!
Gender: unknown still
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out: In still.. not big enough for it to pop out yet.
What I miss: hmm A nice tall glass of Wine.. yum
What I am looking forward to: feeling this little one MOVE
Weekly Wisdom: Did ya know that your sinus get really screwed up when pregnant?? yea I didn't, I have bloody snot now..
Milestones: Hearing the Heartbeat for the first time, It was GREAT!
-------Pregnancy Survey-----
About Mommy
Name: Lindsey
Age: 24
First: Yes :]
About Daddy
Name: Aaron
Age: 28
First: Yes :]
Finding out
What day: Feb 15th
Feelings: Excited, suprised, nervous, & happy.
Who was with you: I was alone in the bathroom.
Daddy reaction: Didnt believe it; wanted to buy another test! Happy!
About the pregnancy
Due date: October 19, 2010
How far along now: 15 weeks
Any ultrasounds yet: yes One
Heard heartbeat yet: Yes! 154bpm!
Heard heartbeat yet: Yes! 154bpm!
Sex of baby
What do you want: A healthy baby.
When do you find out: between 18 weeks and 20weeks so probably around the 1st of june
About the birth
Whos going to be with you: Hopefully Aaron if not my Mom
Going to video tape it: hell no..
Natural or medicated: Medicated of course!
C-Section: I sure hope not.
Scared about labor: Uh Yea
Do you have a name picked out: I have some I like, Aaron hasn't thought about it (to early he says)
Named after anyone: kind of
Did daddy help pick: I'm trying to get him to start thinking of names... He is being a butthead
Other random Q's.
Concieved when: Jan 25th 2010
Any movement felt: I think so, it felt like gas bubbles.. but wasn't
First preggo symptom: the sore boobs.. grr
Will you have God parents: Yes.
Are you ready to be a mommy: I would sure hope so!!
Info On the Baby
Info On the Baby
Baby's now the size of a naval orange!
Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.
Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.
Aw, grow baby grow!
ReplyDeleteIf Aaron's going to be gone for a month, COME HOME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry not coming home, I got a lot to do this month... I want to finish cleaning out the baby's room, and getting the storage closet reorganize to fit more crap in there..