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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 14

Hello, family and friends!

Its Week 14, Officially into the Second Trimester! and chances of Miscarriage are way way down!! YAY!!

I been feeling ok, course I think my body got the message wrong, that Second Tri is when the Morning Sickness is suppose to end, not begin! :o(

Yup last couple days I have been resisting the urge to puke! I been gaging so easily! I don't understand!! oh well LOL.
Also I have noticed my appetite has died, I'm not very hungry. So I have been making sure I'm eating everyday, cause I learned if I don't I will puke. Lets just say Milk the second time around does not taste good.

But other then that I'm feeling great!!
Baby is growing, at least my belly is growing.  So I think the baby is growing!

So what else can I talk about to today.. Oh I guess you are all waiting for the belly picture... ok Here we go, also I took a bare belly picture too!

OH I have a story! So I got a Snoogle (link) LOVE IT, its awesome! I'm going to keep sleeping with this after our lil pumpkin is born!
BUT I have been having a problem when sleeping.. There seem to be someone else who likes my pillow..

This is Bo by the way, our fattest and oldest of the furbabies He likes my pillow, He will steal my pillow away from me..  no really he will.. He wedges himself between me and the pillow...

Guess I will introduce all of our Furbabies..
First our oldest Bovine (or Bo for short)

 In this next picture is Pretty, she very sweet but very skitsh, She likes Aaron better then she likes me...
Next is Digger our Dachshund.. spoiled rotten, loves the dog park!
Then we also have Two Hamsters: Smokey (top picture) and Honey (bottom picture)
And those are ALL of our Furbabies!
and we love each and every one of them!!

ok I'm about to wrap this up, So here is the little information about the baby..

Baby's now the size of a lemon!
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over her body for warmth.

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