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Thursday, January 27, 2011


SO this past month has been CRAZY!
Ok not really, Actually been really boring. Isaac and I have been rather homebodies. We don't leave the house every often. Don't see a reason why, ESP since it's been SOO cold out lately.

Isaac has figured out how to roll over from Belly to Back. and TODAY He figured out how to go from Back to Belly! I knew it wasn't going to take him very long, because he has for the last week been rolling to his side, WHICH by the way makes it impossible to change him! This kid is going to be mobile before I know it. I think I better invest in those gates soon! to at least keep him contained LOL

Our life is filled with playing in his Jumperoo, in the jungle, taking naps, and just taking in the whole world!

Oh Naps, oh man Naps, We gotta work on those naps. Isaac is pretty predictable, around 11am he is ready for his naps, and he will sleep until 1ish2ish. But what we need to work on, is where he likes to take his naps. He likes to sleep on me! I don't mind, I love it in fact, but it's very restricting, and my neglict of the house has been showing.
So we need to work on that.
Oh ALSO We have now moved into the crib, in his own room! He's not fazed by it at all. Me on the other hand, NOT used to it. and it was a very long night for me.

 Oh what else has been going on! Aaron is doing good. We don't get to talk much since our hours don't mesh at all. which sucks! but we are trying to make it work.

 We have a lovey, It's this Monkey head on a soft soft blanket. We call him Mr. Bananas.
OH and We are teething! oh joy! so I have a cranky baby on my hands now! but We been battling it with Oralgel and it's working out ok. He's not a fan of the gel cause he doesn't like the taste, but once it starts working, he is a happy baby again!

OH the Raspberries, We are a raspberry blowing fool! he will be in mid cry and and before I can do anything he is blowing raspberries. it's so funny! I crack up at this kid every day! he is just a riot. I'm going to have my hands full with this one!

Really Isaac is such a joy. I love this kid. I'm so happy to have him in my life.
 And watching him take in this world, and learn about it, it's such a joy and honor to watch him just take it all in! I just love the fact that I can watch him grow. and help teach him about this world!

 Well it is past midnight, so I'm off to bed!
Good Night World!

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