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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 36

Woohoo! One more week and I'll be in considered Full Term! YAY!!

So don't remember if I mentioned this last week, but I now have weekly Doctor Appointments! so pretty much every Monday is my appointments day! woohoo!
I think that I have FINALLY finished Baby Isaac's room!! yay!!!
here's the pictures!

YAY! I'm happy that I got his room put together!and now to get some other cleaning done around the house.. like the guest room.. currently its our catch-all room, and I need to get that cleaned out and reorganize.
What else! there is in the works that Aaron might be able to stay until November now, we don't know the date yet. but keep your fingers crossed that he gets to stay home for as long as possible.

Aaron and I have been super busy this past weekend, I worked on getting things hung up on the walls, and he has been helping me out with that too (the hanging part I just chose what gets hung LOL) and our house is feeling like a home, and I'm so happy!
We had two moral events that we had to go too. both were fun! but a lot of walking, and being outside.. I was DUMB and didn't drink enough water and got dehydrated again, and wasn't feeling good Saturday night because of it, but I got myself hydrated again. BUT anyway it was a good time! some good food, Aaron played in the horseshoes tournament, and his team WON!! YAY!! He did good! We hung out with our friends there and it was just a lot of fun! course we both got very sunburned on the face.. opps!
What else.. Really I don't have anything else to add..
Here's some more pictures!

Your Baby in Week 36 of Pregnancy 
Forget your aching back (and everything else!) by trying to focus on your baby, who is now about six pounds and 20 inches long, with soft bones and cartilage to allow a safer journey through the exit door. Most of her systems (from circulatory to musculoskeletal) are ready for prime time, though her digestion system — which has done only practice runs so far — will kick into gear as she takes her first suckle at the breast or bottle.

Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Baby's skin is getting smooth and soft, her gums are rigid, her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own.

~Weekly Status Update~
How far along: 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained around 28 pounds so far. 
Maternity clothes: Yup been in them since week9.. SO comfy!
Stretch marks: Yes... On the butt.. and on the side of the belly both sides..
Sleep: What's that? with this back pain I don't sleep well at night.. and I pee ALL THE TIME, and heartburn is HORRIBLE!!
Best moment this week: Getting the baby's room completed!! yay!!
Movement: Constantly! he never stops!! He is constantly rolling and moving. Causes bad heartburn, and sore ribs! lol
Food cravings: Um.. whatever I can eat?
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out: Innie and and Outtie.. hasn't decide what it wants to do yet! lol
What I miss: hmm A nice tall glass of Wine, still... I really want a glass of wine. um not having HEARTBURN!!
What I am looking forward to: NO MORE BACK PAIN! and no MORE HEARTBURN!!
Weekly Wisdom: Nothing will cure back pain when pregnant.. It NEVER GOES AWAY, and Babies make lots of heartburn
Milestones: not sure what we had this week.. none really.. LOL

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