Ok baby bump first then talk.. (cause I think thats why you all check this blog anyways! LOL).
I'm starting to round out more I think.. and the belly button starting to stretch! (ah)
So whats been going on this past week.. Aaron still gone for training. I'm still here trying to keep from going insane!
SO Digger and I have been going on walks, and then it moved into Geocaching. ah I forgot how much I enjoy the hunt of the cache. And Digger LOVES IT. well He loves going for walks so he could care less what I'm doing.
Um OH Bought our first baby item on Friday!
Very Nice! I'm happy.. but making me antsy to buy more baby stuff now... but I'm resisting so far. I don't really want to buy things until we know the sex of the baby.
But I'm happy we bought it at such a great price!! and very gender neutral colors too. So I'm happy.
Um what else can I say.
That's really about it.. Nothing else really going on. Miss Aaron like crazy could of really used a hug from him earlier this week.
Baby been good. no new movement, at least that I haven't noticed. sharp pain in my stomach assuming its Round Ligament Pain. just hurts like hell though! lol
Um that's really it! Hope you all have a Good Week!! see ya next Tuesday!!
~Weekly Status Update~
How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: umm something like 5 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yup been in them since week9
Stretch marks: Nope, No stretch marks..
Sleep: HA what's that
Best moment this week: Buying Our First Baby Item
Movement: One solid poke and then nothing
Food cravings: I gotta say its toast with butter and jam
Gender: unknown still
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out: Still In. but its stretching out
What I miss: Um still a Glass of Wine
What I am looking forward to: feeling the Kicking more consistency.
Weekly Wisdom: Round Ligament Pain hurts like a b!tch
Milestones: Felt the baby for the first time, and bought first baby item
How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: umm something like 5 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yup been in them since week9
Stretch marks: Nope, No stretch marks..
Sleep: HA what's that
Best moment this week: Buying Our First Baby Item
Movement: One solid poke and then nothing
Food cravings: I gotta say its toast with butter and jam
Gender: unknown still
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out: Still In. but its stretching out
What I miss: Um still a Glass of Wine
What I am looking forward to: feeling the Kicking more consistency.
Weekly Wisdom: Round Ligament Pain hurts like a b!tch
Milestones: Felt the baby for the first time, and bought first baby item
Baby's now the size of an onion!
Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints.
Don't go TOO crazy buying stuff! We need to have a shower for you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen would you like to do that??
Go register at BRU instead... Or come home and Heidi and I will go with you to register!
OPPS!! Where did Em's name go??? It should have said "Or come home and Em, Heidi and I will go with you to register!"
ReplyDeleteSORRY EMMY!!! It really was an honest mistake. I would never leave a sister out!!!
yea I have no idea when to do it. umm July?? or August?? would that work for you guys?
ReplyDeleteand I'm not buying anything yet.. and was really planning on waiting until after the baby shower anyway.. doesn't mean I'm not itching to go shopping!
Plus Mom is ready to empty out that porch/storage space.. (wonderful)
And I'll register, I just want to know what you all have hiding in mom and dad's house!
Heidi has most of my "equipment", primarily the swing and the exercise mat.