Hi Everyone new and old, My name is Lindsey Kriekel.
I just got married on October 4th 2008 to Aaron Kriekel!
The love of my life!!
We are both military He is in the Army, Im in the Coast Guard.
We met in Newport News VA, when we were both up there for training... like most typically military relationships. yes we met in a bar, Saddleridge to be exact. I saw him dancing (which by the way is hilarous) and it went from there.
Aaron will be deploying here soon, and it will be our first deployment together.
Its scary for me, i don't want to lose him, but i trust him, and i pray he will come back to me.
Umm what else, oh i guess i should post some photo's from the wedding now huh??
most of you know me from my other blog, I decide to stop that one, and start a new one with my new last name.. and since its not just my life and more its Aaron's and Mine, so it would be best to start a new!! (granted Aaron won't ever be posting in here, he doesn't like it, but i do)
There's nothing more to say just check out the many many photos that i have posted!
Love you all!
I found your blog this morning while searching people who enjoy Dee Henderson. Anyway, congratulations on your marriage, after 11yrs I can truly say that a marriage centered on the Lord is better than any romance movie or book. Have fun and the best advice I was given is to keep Christ in the center and always remain each others best friend (the woman who gave me that advise has been married for 42 yrs.)